Our journey to Net Zero – In partnership with Amber

Gary Trudgett
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We’re on a mission to minimise our impact on the environment. Establishing science-based targets with the support of leading sustainability professionals helps us put the planet at the heart of what we do and how we supply.

We’re not on this road alone

Our new partnership with sustainability consultancy firm Amber helps us establish a framework that benefits our customers and partners. We’re excited to be working with Amber on our road to Net Zero, especially to support our Scope 3 journey. Their planet-first approach aligns well with our own values and the way we want to move forward on our mission to support a 100% sustainable future.

Why we chose Amber

Amber is the ideal partner to help us develop our sustainable strategy, especially with their history of supporting major brands such as Aston Martin, Next and Asos. Their mission to fix utilities, save the planet and make people happy” aligns perfectly with our own ideals. This means we’re in safe hands on our way to finding innovative solutions to solve global environmental problems.

The journey so far

On our way to a greener future, we have already reached some important milestones and explored many opportunities to reduce our emissions. Our steps include:

  • Adobe Stock 380954662
    PPE recycling Our zero-landfill secure workwear & PPE disposal service is something we are proud to have implemented as we aim to reduce the amount of PPE sent to landfill every year.
  • Our Services
    Sustainable packaging We are committed to using recycled, recyclable, and biodegradable packaging from the UK with FSC accreditations.
  • Tower Head Office
    Local deliveries Our local deliveries are also made in electric vans where possible.
  • Offshore wind power and energy farm with many wind turbines
    Renewable energy sourcing all our electricity from renewable sources for all our sites.
  • EV4
    EV charging We have installed EV charging points across our car parks to encourage the use of EV vehicles.
  • Warehouse
    LED lighting Across both the office and warehouse, we replaced all lighting with LED lighting, to maximise the energy we use.

Tower champions

We’re proud to have established our first sustainability committee to work alongside Amber. Our sustainability champions are part of a committee that meets regularly, dedicated to keeping the business on track to meet our Net Zero targets. The committee stands at the forefront of our sustainable initiatives, supporting change and helping to maintain our ethical business values.

Our sustainability committee has representation across the organisation, from each division. Enabling us to take positive across towards our sustainability goals from all areas of the business.

Our sustainable values

Reducing waste and carbon emissions is at the core of our operations and we’re committed to reducing single-use plastic packaging and using recycling packaging material where possible. Being accredited with ISO14001:2015 sets objectives for our business and helps us improve our environmental performance with more efficient use of resources and the reduction of waste.

Sustainability at Tower

To find out more about our sustainable practices, innovations and our Net Zero journey, visit our sustainability page. To speak to one of our committee members please email us, using our contact form.

Gary profile 2
Gary Trudgett
Marketing Director

Gary drives the marketing strategies and campaigns across our sales divisions, building on Tower’s brand strength whilst aligning the category and propositions for Ctrl Cloud, WorkBear and Helm.

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