Responding to the 2023 PPE survey results

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I respond to the results of a recent PPE survey, which have highlighted why partnering with a BSIF member like Tower is so important.

Surveys play a key part in understanding what drives our customers’ PPE considerations, what they look for in their supplier partner, and how they view the future of PPE development and innovation. And when I saw the results of the 2023 Health & Safety Matters (HSM) PPE market survey I just had to provide some insight into what these results mean for Tower and its customers. There's five results in particular that I want to highlight..

1. Are you seeing green claims for PPE?

Green claims

My reaction

Sustainability is in Tower’s DNA. Firstly, we provide sustainable PPE products (such as carbon neutral gloves and hi vis made from sustainable fabrics) and sustainable services such as our zero-landfill garment recycling. But I think the best way to help customers be more sustainable is to provide a system that lets them do more with less.

Our CtrlCloud smart ordering platform is a great way to help them rationalise and standardise their range. It puts customers in complete control. Workers are only allocated with the PPE they need, efficiency is improved, and they even save costs of up to 20%.

2. What do you look for in a supplier?


My reaction

It’s disappointing to see Registered Safety Supplier Scheme Member (RSSS) way down in fourth place. After all, a BSIF RSSS member supplier covers “all of the above”. They will have declared that they distribute quality products and have BSIF trained and capable staff committed to being ethical.

My concern is that these results suggest that we have all become a touch complacent about the label and need to remind people about the trusted value and the meaning of being a BSIF RSSS member.

3. Are written instructions needed with every piece of PPE?

PPE instructions

My reaction

As every PPE buyer should already know, it’s the law that PPE must be supplied with written instructions for use. But use is only one part if it. At Tower, we’ve developed instructions that also include care and maintenance tips.

Using a video interview, I help people ensure that the PPE remains effective for the lifespan of the item. As well as maintenance, Tower also provide tips on dos and don’ts when it comes to using and looking after your PPE too.

4. Where do you see the most innovation taking place in PPE?

PPE innovation

My reaction

Although the survey separates the options into product types (with RPE coming on top again), I see the biggest innovations coming in broad categories such as Female PPE and Sustainable PPE.

We are already seeing dramatic increases in the number of products available for each gender and PPE with sustainable credentials (and sustainable packaging!). This is becoming increasingly more widespread to help businesses achieve their goals and supply their teams with PPE that’s fit for purpose.

5. Where would you go to find information on PPE?

PPE information

My reaction

It’s good to see distributors/suppliers as the main source of PPE information! Tower take this role seriously, regularly demonstrating the need for PPE to be sourced from a trusted BSIF registered supplier and to heed their warning: “anyone can sell safety, but you wouldn’t buy safety from just anyone”.

We provide expertise across multiple formats such as our website, newsletters, social, email, and by phone. We’ve compiled much of this in a ‘Resource Library’ on the Tower website.

If you want to talk about the sustainable PPE options available or find out more on the benefits of working with a member of the BSIF, simply fill out a contact from below and we’ll get back to you.

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