Five dates for your PPE diary in 2023!

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Divisional Managing Director for National & Local Accounts Mark Dowling delivers his top five important dates to keep an eye out for in 2023.

I know you are focussed on protection every day. But awareness days and national days are a fantastic way to shine the spotlight on specific areas of safety. They get everyone talking about a topic, driving innovation, and opening discussions about making things even safer and better.

I’ve picked five big dates for 2023 and explain why Tower are making them a big focus this year…

6th to 12th February - Tinnitus Awareness Week

We’re teaming up with the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) to explain “Listen Today, Hear Tomorrow!”, focussed on hearing protection now being the highest classification level of PPE because of the risks involved.

7th to 13th March - National Feet Week

The right foot protection can limit musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), which account for 24% of lost working days. Tower runs footwear clinics to ensure the right footwear and complementary insole is matched to the wearer’s foot.

3rd to 9th May – Sun Awareness Week

We all know that many PPE wearers work outside all day long. But did you know that there is an EN standard for UV protection (EN 13758-2)? Workwear that meets the UPF 40+ rating ensures only 1/40 of UV radiation reaches the skin.

23rd June – Women in Engineering Day

Tower have a range of ladies PPE. Because for PPE to be effective, then it must fit right and not hamper the wearer when going about their job. We will use this day to draw attention to the growing options within female-specific PPE.

1st August - World Lung Cancer Day

I’m specially trained in the fitting of respirators, and Tower support “Clean Air? Take Care!”, a joint BSIF and HSE initiative to reduce occupational respiratory disease. This day will highlight the need to avoid your workforce suffering illness.

Honourable mentions for 2023

7th April - World Healthy Day / 5th May – World Hand Hygiene Day / 15th October - Global Handwashing Day / 14th – 20th November – Road Safety Week.

If you plan to use an awareness day or week to support safety at work, then I can help you do it! Just contact my team on 01202 718000.

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